If you find yourself in a situation where your credit card payments have exceeded your ability to keep up with them, a debt settlement strategy is certainly an option that can be considered. Unlike a debt consolidation approach where you must maintain a high monthly payment plan to pay back your entire debt, a debt settlement option would negotiate your principle down and allow you to potentially pay back less than the full balance that you owe.
A debt settlement strategy is typically appropriate for consumers who have the ability to pay on a portion of their debt, but just not enough cash flow to pay off their balances in full. It is also a great way for consumers to potentially avoid bankruptcy if they find themselves in a position where they cannot qualify or wish to avoid a bankruptcy filing.
Of course every financial situation is unique and a complete understanding of your circumstances is required to assess what specific strategy would be the best course of action.
At Pacific Debt we have been offering debt settlement solutions to San Diego residents for the better part of a decade. We are intimately familiar with some of the unique financial challenges faced by consumers in our local and overall California economy. Since 2009 we have settled over 45 million dollars worth of debt for consumers in San Diego and across the country.
To find out if a debt settlement strategy may be the answer for you, contact us to set up a free consultation. One of our debt settlement specialists can assist you over the phone, or if you live in the San Diego area, feel free to schedule an appointment to come in and speak with us.
For example,
Miguel of San Diego said, "Pacific Debt negotiated multiple settlements with my creditors, reducing my debt from $52,000 to $18,620. I'm now on a reasonable payment plan to resolve my remaining balance."
When Debt Settlement Makes Sense
Debt settlement is most appropriate for consumers who have experienced events like job loss, reduced wages, medical expenses, divorce, or other financial challenges that have made their credit card payments unaffordable.
Warning signs your debt has become unmanageable include:
- Only able to pay the minimum payment or less
- Relying on credit cards to pay for necessities like groceries
- Receiving calls from collectors about late payments
Debt Relief Options for San Diego Residents
In addition to
debt settlement, we also provide customized
debt relief solutions including:
Our goal is to find the right debt relief approach for your unique financial situation.
Why Choose Pacific Debt?
With over $45 million in debt resolved, our team has the expertise and experience to serve San Diego consumers. We maintain an A+ rating with the BBB and over 98% customer satisfaction. Our local specialists provide compassionate guidance and ongoing support.
We understand the unique economic climate in San Diego and have helped many local families resolve debt through settlement. We also give back to the community, by
supporting the San Diego Food Bank.
Take Control of Your Debt Today
If you are struggling with overwhelming debt and want to explore your debt relief options, Pacific Debt Relief offers a
free consultation to assess your financial situation. Our debt specialists can provide objective guidance to help find the right debt relief solution.
We are located at
715 J St. Suite 202,
San Diego, CA 92101
Next to Petco Park in downtown San Diego.