If you live in Florida and are considering filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy, the bankruptcy process can be very confusing and time-consuming. This blog is a simple primer on filing bankruptcy - but remember we are not legal experts and are not offering any advice. You should speak with a bankruptcy attorney before considering a bankruptcy filing.
We will also outline some chapter 7 bankruptcy alternatives available in the sunshine state of Florida.
There are several different types of bankruptcy and each is named for the chapter of the bankruptcy code that defines them. Chapter 7 is probably the most common type, closely followed by Chapter 13, the reorganization bankruptcy.
In Chapter 7, you must meet a bankruptcy means test. In this case, most debt, especially unsecured debt, is erased. If you cannot qualify, Chapter 13 may be your option.
The means test is a comparison of the last 6 months of your household's average monthly income to the median income of a similar-sized household. You can check your qualification using a calculator here.
There are many expenses that can be claimed, and this is where a qualified bankruptcy attorney may be able to help you.
There are several steps that you must accomplish to file for bankruptcy. The first is to complete an approved credit counseling course with an approved agency within 6 months of filing the bankruptcy petition. You must submit the certificate of completion in your petition.
Next, assemble your bankruptcy petition. This details your income, debt, and property for the past 10 years. A list of all bankruptcy forms is included below along. Bear in mind that each state may have additional bankruptcy forms or formats, so always ask the clerk of court for your bankruptcy court.
Your petition will be turned over to a bankruptcy trustee who will call a 341 Creditor meeting. Your creditors may appear but usually do not. The bankruptcy trustee will ask questions about your bankruptcy paperwork.
Bankruptcy trustees do the work of selling assets to repay creditors and get your unsecured debts discharged. Before bankruptcy discharge can be granted, you complete the personal debtor's education course or financial management course and file bankruptcy Form 23.
Costs for filing for Chapter 7 are set by federal law. As of 2022, the filing fee is $338. If you hire bankruptcy attorneys, costs may be much higher. If you cannot pay the filing fee outright, you can petition for forgiveness or a payment plan.
Filing bankruptcy can make sense. It depends on your unique situation. Most people want a fresh financial start to filing for bankruptcy.
Another benefit is that Chapter 7 allows you to keep future earnings. Other types may result in wage garnishment.
There is no limit on the amount or number of consumer debts claimed and no repayment plan.
Finally, Chapter 7 also only takes about 3 months to complete.
There are some drawbacks to filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Going through bankruptcy will damage your credit report for up to ten years.
Not every debt is discharged - non-dischargeable debts include alimony and child support, tax debt, student loans, and some personal injury debts.
You may lose your real or personal property in order to repay your debts. There are homestead exemptions, so check into those to be able to keep some of your real property.
The costs can be quite high, especially if you hire a Florida bankruptcy lawyer. In addition, there is a social stigma surrounding bankruptcy.
If you cannot qualify under the means test, your bankruptcy case may be converted to Chapter 13 or dismissed.
Determine which federal bankruptcy court will handle your petition. This is based on the following criteria:
Go to the U. S. Court Locator, enter your city and state or zip code, and select "bankruptcy court" for your appropriate location.
Next, complete the approved credit counseling course.
Complete the bankruptcy paperwork.
Mandatory Bankruptcy Forms
Bankruptcy forms depending on the unique situation:
Turn in your petition.
The guidance of a Florida law firm through Florida bankruptcy laws may be very important.
The bankruptcy procedure is fairly straightforward if complex. Once you file your bankruptcy petition, the bankruptcy court notifies creditors of an automatic stay. This prohibits (most of) them from taking collection actions. They cannot call, collect debts, foreclose on your home, repossess your vehicles, or place liens on the property. There are exceptions, and creditors can ask to have the stay lifted. This does protect you from debt collection harassment.
The bankruptcy packet is turned over to a bankruptcy trustee. This person can request your most recent tax returns, bank statements, paycheck stubs, and any other information requested.
Assets become a temporary part of the "bankruptcy estate" and cannot be sold by you.
The trustee evaluates secured debts like mortgages and car loans. Depending on your situation, you may be required to pay creditors, reaffirm amounts owed, or have assets repossessed.
Finally, the trustee petitions to sell a nonexempt property and distribute proceeds to unsecured creditors.
Once you complete the bankruptcy process, you do not owe money to anyone. However, it may show up on credit reports for up to ten years and affects applications for mortgages, loans, and credit cards.
Once you file bankruptcy you can begin to rebuild your credit. The first and most important thing you can do is to pay every bill on time and in full.
If you would like more information on repairing credit scores after Chapter 7 bankruptcy, follow this link.
Costs for filing fees for Chapter 7 are set by federal law. As of 2022, the filing fee is $338. This does not include bankruptcy attorney fees. If you cannot pay the filing fee outright, you can petition for forgiveness or a payment plan.
The Florida homestead exemption allows filers to keep their primary residence, under 1/2 acre in a municipality or 160 acres in a rural area, and must have owned the home for at least 1,215 days (roughly 3 years) before filing. Otherwise, you are limited to federal exemptions.
You can generally keep cars worth less than any remaining car loan balance. You can claim a personal property exemption of $1,000 (with a homestead exemption) or up to $4,000 without a homestead exemption. This may offset the value of the car.
Retirement Benefits
Pensions and retirement benefits are almost always exempt, including qualified retirement plans like 401(k)s and many self-employed plans, along with public pensions such as teachers’ retirement benefits and public employee retirement benefits. If you have a question about whether your pension is secure, contact a Florida bankruptcy attorney before filing.
The following cash or readily convertible assets are often included in Florida bankruptcy exemptions.
For one person, the annual income cannot exceed $55,951. For two people, it is $68,638, and so on.
Not all income is included. This includes some disability and social security income, payments to war crime victims, and payments related to a national emergency. A Florida bankruptcy judge may have some leeway in determining income levels.
Dischargeable claims in Chapter 7 generally include the following:
If you are filing a personal liability claim against you, speak with a bankruptcy attorney.
Following is a rough accounting you what you can keep. However, a bankruptcy lawyer may be able to help you keep more.
Because we are not experts in Florida bankruptcy law and there are many loopholes, a qualified bankruptcy attorney may be worth the cost. Understanding Florida's exemption laws and bankruptcy law is their specialty. They can help you limit the seizure of the debtor's nonexempt assets
You must be a permanent Florida resident, have most of your assets in Florida, or have spent the majority of the 180 days prior to filing bankruptcy in Florida.
You must also fall under the means test guidelines.
Bankruptcy is not for everyone and should be a last resort for most people. Before you file, take time to investigate your options. Debt settlement is a very good alternative to filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
In debt settlement, you or a debt settlement company negotiates with creditors who hold unsecured debts to lower the amount you owe. During the negotiations, you save up money to pay off the reduced amounts without the hassle, expense, and social stigma.
Pacific Debt Relief is one of the leading settlement companies in the US and is proud to have settled more than $300 million in unsecured debts for people who may have been considering bankruptcy.
If you'd like to learn more about debt settlement, check out this link. Then give us a call for a free consultation. Our award-winning debt specialists will explain all your options so you can make an informed decision.
While we do not handle secured debt, our specialists will help you understand those options as well.
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*Clients who make all their monthly program deposits pay approximately 50% of their enrolled balance before fees, or 65% to 85% including fees, over 24 to 48 months (some programs lengths can go higher). Not all clients are able to complete our program for various reasons, including their ability to save sufficient funds. Our estimates are based on prior results, which will vary depending on your specific circumstances. We do not guarantee that your debts will be resolved for a specific amount or percentage or within a specific period of time. We do not assume your debts, make monthly payments to creditors or provide tax, bankruptcy, accounting or legal advice or credit repair services. We are not a credit repair firm nor do we offer credit repair services. Our service is not available in all states and our fees may vary from state to state. Please contact a tax professional to discuss potential tax consequences of less than full balance debt resolution. Read and understand all program materials prior to enrollment. We are licensed where we engage in business. NMLS # 1250953. The use of our services will likely adversely affect your creditworthiness, may result in you being subject to collections or being sued by creditors or collectors and may increase the outstanding balances of your enrolled accounts due to the accrual of fees and interest. However, negotiated settlements we obtain on your behalf resolve the entire account, including all accrued fees and interest. C.P.D. Reg. No. T.S. 12-03825. Pacific Debt, Inc. is registered with the California DFPI under the CCFPL registration number 01-CCFPL-1250953-3419036.