If you live in Texas and are considering filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, read on - we will explain basic bankruptcy.
Basic bankruptcy requirements are set by federal law, but each state adds to the law. Take time to understand Texas law and bankruptcy.
You should consult with a bankruptcy attorney if you are considering filing bankruptcy.
There are different types of personal bankruptcy cases. The most common for individuals are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Chapter 7 is for people who meet a means test and need most debt erased. Chapter 13 is for people who have too much money and want debt restructured - in other words, Chapter 7 erases debt while Chapter 13 allows the person to repay their debts.
You need to learn about federal exemptions and specific Texas bankruptcy exemptions. These include products like a retirement account.
In order to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Texas, you must complete a credit counseling course with an approved agency within 6 months of filing your bankruptcy petition.
Assemble the paperwork to file a bankruptcy petition with the bankruptcy court in your county. The bankruptcy petition includes disclosure of all finances. You will detail your income, debt, and property for up to the past 10 years.
You will need the following bankruptcy forms if you live in the state of Texas:
You may need the following forms:
Finally, you may need to file local forms as your bankruptcy court district requires. Always ask the clerk what forms you need to file and what format they prefer.
There are some benefits to filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Texas. These include a fresh start.
You get to keep the future income. In other bankruptcies, you may end up with wage garnishments.
There is no limit on the amount of debt you can have, and there is no repayment plan.
It also only takes about 3 months to go through the bankruptcy process.
The pros of Chapter 7 bankruptcy include the following:
After this and the steps that the court or trustee must complete are finished, your debts are discharged.
Once you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the court notifies creditors of an automatic stay. This prohibits almost all creditors from collection actions. They cannot call you, collect money from you, foreclose on your home, repossess your car, or place a lien on your property. There are exceptions, and a creditor can go to court and ask to have the automatic stay lifted.
Your information is turned over to a bankruptcy trustee who oversees the bankruptcy case. You'll need to provide your most recent tax returns, along with bank statements, paycheck stubs, and any other information needed.
Your secured debts are evaluated. Depending on your situation, you have the right to pay creditors, reaffirm the debt, or have assets repossessed. The trustee will petition to sell the nonexempt property and distribute the proceeds.
The limit for one person filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Texas is $55,591 (as of 2022) and increases for families.
You must file a bankruptcy packet, attend to approved education courses, meet with your trustee and give up whatever assets must be sold to pay off your debts.
In most cases, the standard Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases in Texas take between 3 and 6 months.
The following debts can be discharged in a chapter 7 bankruptcy case:
Debts that cannot be discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases include:
You will probably have your tax returns seized to repay your creditors.
Chapter 7 wipes out most consumer debt payments but not secured debt (like a mortgage)
Bankruptcy shows up on your credit report for up to ten years. It may affect your ability to get loans in the future.
A bankruptcy on your report suggests you lack financial stability. You can work to improve your score by understanding how your credit is scored.
As you can see, this is a very time-intensive and complicated process. Most people hire a bankruptcy attorney. Attorney fees can be quite expensive.
Luckily, companies like Pacific Debt Relief can help you reduce debt without going through bankruptcy.
Pacific Debt Relief is a debt settlement company that can help you settle debts and pay that settled amount without the stigma, expense, and credit damage that you will find with bankruptcy.
If you are considering filing a bankruptcy case in Texas, give us a call for a free consultation. Our award-winning debt specialists will help you understand all your options. We can offer a fresh financial start without the hassle of bankruptcy.
To learn more about debt settlement, check out this link.
Contact us today for a FREE debt relief consultation.
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*Clients who make all their monthly program deposits pay approximately 50% of their enrolled balance before fees, or 65% to 85% including fees, over 24 to 48 months (some programs lengths can go higher). Not all clients are able to complete our program for various reasons, including their ability to save sufficient funds. Our estimates are based on prior results, which will vary depending on your specific circumstances. We do not guarantee that your debts will be resolved for a specific amount or percentage or within a specific period of time. We do not assume your debts, make monthly payments to creditors or provide tax, bankruptcy, accounting or legal advice or credit repair services. We are not a credit repair firm nor do we offer credit repair services. Our service is not available in all states and our fees may vary from state to state. Please contact a tax professional to discuss potential tax consequences of less than full balance debt resolution. Read and understand all program materials prior to enrollment. We are licensed where we engage in business. NMLS # 1250953. The use of our services will likely adversely affect your creditworthiness, may result in you being subject to collections or being sued by creditors or collectors and may increase the outstanding balances of your enrolled accounts due to the accrual of fees and interest. However, negotiated settlements we obtain on your behalf resolve the entire account, including all accrued fees and interest. C.P.D. Reg. No. T.S. 12-03825. Pacific Debt, Inc. is registered with the California DFPI under the CCFPL registration number 01-CCFPL-1250953-3419036.