Pacific Debt Relief offers the only solution that significantly reduces your debt to less than you currently owe. That means you get debt-free in a fraction of the time it would take with other options.
Save thousands by lowering your debt balance and wiping away years of future interest and payments. Call today for a FREE consultation!
Nebraska debt relief involves debt reduction through debt settlement or consolidation.
Pacific Debt Relief specializes in debt settlement. We work to reduce your debt for less than you owe to your creditors. Most unsecured debts qualify for the Pacific Debt relief option, including credit card debts.
Pacific Debt debt settlement company works by dealing directly with your creditors including credit card companies while guiding you throughout the entire process.
Our best-rated debt settlement programs are available for Nebraskans. Call our certified specialists who will explain all your relief options.
Our free analysis will help you make an informed decision about your unsecured debt and your financial health.
Call to get your free consultation.
Debt relief reduces the amount you owe your creditors so that you can receive relief for your financial future. Debt settlement is one option. Pacific Debt provides relief in the form of debt settlement to Nebraskans, as well as nationally.
The first step for Nebraska residents in finding relief is a FREE phone call with one of our specialists who can lay out all your options, so you understand your position and what steps need to be taken in order to reduce the full amount owed.
Pacific Debt is a debt relief agency that has helped countless Nebraskans reduce their outstanding full amount and live a better future. Since 2002, we've settled over $300 million in credit card debt for our clients.
Contact us today to see how our debt relief option can help.
Nebraska residents searching a debt consolidation plan or for debt management may benefit from a free conversation with our debt specialists.
We may be able to help lower your monthly payments. If you are looking for consolidation loans but have bad credit, our debt settlement program might be perfect for you!
We are experts at debt negotiation so call for your financial situation.
We do not require a debt consolidation loan. Instead we negotiate to reduce interest rates, offer helpful resources, and a low total monthly payment with no upfront fees.
Get Free Consultation from our award winning debt settlement company
During Pacific Debt's program, you deposit an agreed single monthly payment amount in your own escrow bank account. As you build up sufficient funds, we pay your settled accounts.
Take time to understand how debt settlement programs work and all your relief options.
You must meet the following:
There are some tax consequences to debt settlement as forgiven amounts are considered income. Before pursuing debt settlement, discuss potential tax consequences with a tax professional.
We are also not a law firm and are not giving legal advice.
We are accredited by:
Pacific Debt
is an A+ rated business with the BBB. We have been accredited since 2010. We have received 4.87 out of five stars based on 40 client customer reviews with the BBB.
Nebraska is part of the breadbasket of America. The wide-open plains offer many opportunities for agriculture while the largest cities are home to universities specializing in dentistry, research, and, of course, football! Nebraska’s economy is based on agriculture. Nebraska is ranked #37 for population and #43 for population density.
As of 2018, over 1.9 million people called Nebraska home. Omaha is the largest city in Nebraska.
The median state income is $56,927. As of 2018, the minimum wage is $9.00 per hour. Unfortunately, 13.9% of Nebraskan children under 18 live in low income families. For residents overall, 11.4% of all people in Nebraska are considered low income individuals and live under the poverty level.
Nebraska is not a community property state. Therefore your assets are not seen as equally owned by you and your spouse. Currently, only Louisiana, Arizona, California, Texas, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wisconsin are community property states.
In the state of Nebraska, the judge will decide which assets are shared by you and your spouse, and what the equity is for each.
More than half (66.1%) of Nebraskans hold a mortgage. The median home price in Nebraska is $175,500 (2018). Of course, that median price depends on the location with some areas being much higher.
Nebraska has a current unemployment rate of 2.8%. However, the underemployment rate is 6.2%. Underemployment is the percentage of civilian workers who are unemployed, employed part-time or are not seeking employment.
If this is you, we can help. Pacific Debt offers Nebraska debt relief solutions tailored to your unique situation and budget. Our certified counselors help you work up a budget and explain your options.
Nebraskans carry a lot of debt. The average credit card debt is $6,180 (2018). The average student loan debt is $$26,082. When you add all that debt on top of the cost of homes (rental or owned), versus the median income, it is very easy for Nebraskans to get into debt.
Nebraska’s statute of limitations lays out maximum time periods that debt collectors can take action against a delinquent debt. These statutes of limitations begin on the date that your debt goes delinquent.
For debts taken out in Nebraska, the following are the statutes of limitations for different types of debt.
We are not a law firm and are not offering advice. Contact a law office.
If you have more debt than you can pay off, Pacific Debt can help you consolidate your debt and learn to live debt free. Since 2002, we’ve settled over $200 million in debt for thousands of clients. We are a nationally top ranked debt relief company located in San Diego.
We will help you work through our proven and comprehensive debt relief program. Your certified debt relief counselor will review all your options. If debt settlement is right for you, we move forward with our debt consolidation program and work to save you money. Pacific Debt can help with most unsecured debt like credit cards, personal loans, medical bills, and repossessions.
It is not an easy process and it won’t happen overnight, but you can do it. Pacific Debt will be there every step of the way to help.
Nebraskans are protected against unscrupulous debt collectors by federal law. The federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) prohibits debt collectors from using abusive or harassing bill collection practices. In addition, the Nebraska Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (NFDCPA) adds protections against more types of collectors and actions. If you are a victim of any of these actions, speak with a law firm.
Overall, debt collectors can NOT:
Debt collectors must:
Bankruptcy is a legal action that can erase most of your debt as well as your credit history. It is not an action to take lightly.
Persons filing for bankruptcy must:
We are one of the nationally top-ranked debt settlement companies and we have helped countless Nebraska residents with our national program.
Call us and ask our award-winning debt specialists about our settlement program and how debt settlement works.
Remember we offer a free consultation.
We are a debt settlement company and have discussed debt settlement in detail. Click here to learn more about debt settlement. Settled debt can temporarily harm your credit report and average credit score.
We want you to understand your options including debt consolidation, credit counseling, and bankruptcy.
Read all program materials prior to enrolling with any program.
This rolls all debt into a debt consolidation loan and then paying off the loan. Having good credit scores is a necessity.
Click here to learn more about debt consolidation and debt consolidation loans.
Credit counseling uses a credit counselor to help you learn money management including developing a budget, helping you understand your credit scores, and set up a debt management plan.
Look for a non profit credit counselor with a nonprofit credit counseling agency.
Click here to learn more about Credit Counseling.
Bankruptcy is a last resort option – this legal action wipes out most of your owed debt including credit cards, severely damages your credit for up to ten years, and bankruptcy code is expensive and time-consuming.
Click here to learn more about bankruptcy and always contact Nebraska attorneys for assistance.
Avoid credit repair services as there is nothing they can do that you cannot do for yourself to improve your credit report.
Contact Pacific Debt for a free initial consultation
Abie village
Alda village
Anselmo village
Arlington village
Ashton village
Bancroft village
Bartley village
Bazile Mills village
Bee village
Berwyn village
Boys Town village
Brewster village
Brock village
Bruning village
Burr village
Butte village
Cedar Bluffs village
Central City
Chambers village
Clay Center
Coleridge village
Concord village
Cortland village
Crab Orchard village
Creston village
Culbertson village
Dalton village
Davey village
Decatur village
De Witt village
Dodge village
Du Bois village
Dwight village
Edison village
Elwood village
Endicott village
Exeter village
Falls City
Firth village
Funk village
Gilead village
Hadar village
Hamlet village
Heartwell village
Hendley village
Holstein village
Hoskins village
Hubbell village
Hyannis village
Inman village
Johnson village
Lawrence village
Lewellen village
Lodgepole village
Louisville village
Lynch village
McGrew village
Madrid village
Manley village
Mason City village
Meadow Grove village
Merriman village
Monroe village
Mullen village
Naponee village
Newman Grove
Nora village
North Loup village
Odell village
Page village
Panama village
Pender village
Pickrell village
Pleasanton village
Potter village
Prosser village
Reynolds village
Riverton village
Rosalie village
St. Paul
Saronville village
Shelton village
South Bend village
Sprague village
Steinauer village
Stockville village
Stuart village
Sutherland village
Table Rock village
Thedford village
Trenton village
Unadilla village
Verdel village
Waco village
Walthill village
Wauneta village
Weeping Water
West Point
Wilsonville village
Winslow village
Wood River
Adams village
Alexandria village
Alvo village
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Arnold village
Avoca village
Barada village
Beemer village
Bellwood village
Bennet village
Big Springs village
Bloomington village
Bradshaw village
Broken Bow
Bruno village
Burton village
Byron village
Campbell village
Cedar Creek village
Ceresco village
Chapman village
Clarks village
Clearwater village
Colon village
Cook village
Cotesfield village
Craig village
Danbury village
David City
Denton village
Diller village
Doniphan village
Dunbar village
Eagle village
Elba village
Elm Creek village
Elyria village
Ericson village
Farnam village
Fordyce village
Gandy village
Giltner village
Greeley Center village
Gross village
Haigler village
Hampton village
Harrison village
Hayes Center village
Henry village
Hildreth village
Homer village
Howard City village
Ithaca village
Johnstown village
Kenesaw village
Lamar village
Lebanon village
Lewiston village
Lindsay village
Long Pine
Loup City
McLean village
Magnet village
Marquette village
Maxwell village
Melbeta village
Moorefield village
Murdock village
Nebraska City
Nemaha village
Newport village
North Platte
Obert village
Offutt AFB
Orleans village
Otoe village
Palisade village
Platte Center village
Plymouth village
Prague village
Ragan village
Raymond village
Richland village
Roca village
Roseland village
Ruskin village
Salem village
Seneca village
Shickley village
Silver Creek village
South Sioux City
Staplehurst village
Stella village
Strang village
Sumner village
Talmage village
Thurston village
Trumbull village
Union village
Verdigre village
Washington village
Wausa village
Wellfleet village
Whitney village
Winnebago village
Allen village
Amherst village
Arthur village
Atlanta village
Axtell village
Barneston village
Battle Creek
Beaver City
Belden village
Belvidere village
Bladen village
Blue Hill
Brady village
Bristow village
Brownville village
Brunswick village
Cairo village
Carleton village
Cedar Rapids village
Clinton village
Cordova village
Cowles village
Cushing village
Dannebrog village
Dawson village
Dix village
Dorchester village
Duncan village
Eddyville village
Elmwood village
Emerson village
Eustis village
Farwell village
Fort Calhoun
Garland village
Glenvil village
Grafton village
Greenwood village
Guide Rock village
Hallam village
Harbine village
Hay Springs village
Hemingford village
Herman village
Holbrook village
Howells village
Jackson village
Julian village
Kennard village
Leigh village
Linwood village
Loomis village
Lushton village
Malcolm village
Martinsburg village
Maywood village
Memphis village
Miller village
Morrill village
Murray village
Nehawka village
Nenzel village
Nickerson village
Norman village
Oak village
Oconto village
Ong village
Overton village
Palmer village
Pawnee City
Petersburg village
Pilger village
Polk village
Preston village
Red Cloud
Rising City village
Rockville village
Royal village
St. Edward
Santee village
Scotia village
Sholes village
Smithfield village
Spalding village
Springview village
Stapleton village
Sterling village
Stratton village
Swanton village
Tarnov village
Terrytown village
Uehling village
Upland village
Valparaiso village
Verdon village
Waterbury village
Western village
Winnetoon village
Wolbach village
Wynot village
Anoka village
Arcadia village
Ayr village
Bartlett village
Beaver Crossing village
Belgrade village
Benedict village
Bertrand village
Blue Springs
Brainard village
Broadwater village
Brule village
Burchard village
Bushnell village
Callaway village
Carroll village
Center village
Chester village
Clatonia village
Cody village
Comstock village
Cornlea village
Crookston village
Dakota City
Davenport village
Daykin village
Deweese village
Dixon village
Douglas village
Dunning village
Elk Creek village
Elsie village
Emmet village
Ewing village
Fairmont village
Filley village
Foster village
Garrison village
Goehner village
Grand Island
Gresham village
Gurley village
Halsey village
Hardy village
Hazard village
Hershey village
Hordville village
Hubbard village
Huntley village
Inglewood village
Jansen village
Juniata village
Kilgore village
La Vista
Leshara village
Liberty village
Litchfield village
Lorton village
Lyman village
McCool Junction village
Malmo village
Maskell village
Mead village
Merna village
Milligan village
Monowi village
Morse Bluff village
Naper village
Newcastle village
Niobrara village
North Bend
Oakdale village
Octavia village
Ohiowa village
Orchard village
Oxford village
Palmyra village
Paxton village
Phillips village
Pine Ridge
Pleasant Dale village
Primrose village
Republican City village
Riverdale village
Rogers village
Rulo village
St. Helena village
Shelby village
Shubert village
Snyder village
Spencer village
Stamford village
Steele City village
Stockham village
Surprise village
Taylor village
Thayer village
Tobias village
Ulysses village
Utica village
Venango village
Virginia village
Wallace village
Waterloo village
Weston village
Wilcox village
Winside village
Wood Lake village
Disclaimer: In some states, PDR may not be able to offer our services directly due to state regulations related to debt settlement. In those instances, PDR will refer you to a reputable debt relief provider or attorney firm for assistance with your debt. We are not lawyers and are not giving legal advice. Before filing bankruptcy, talk to a lawyer in your state. The information included on this site is for educational purposes only.
750 B Street Suite 1700 San Diego, CA 92101
Mon-Thurs: 6am - 7pm PST
Friday: 6am - 4:30pm PST
Saturday: 7:30am - 4:30pm PST
Phone: (877) 722-3328
Fax: (619) 238-6709
Phone: (833) 865-2028
Fax: (619) 238-6709
Phone: (833) 865-2028
Fax: (619) 238-6709
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GLBA Privacy Notice | CDRI Accredited Member
*Please note that all calls with the company may be recorded or monitored for quality assurance and training purposes.
*Your visit to our website may be monitored and recorded from essential 3rd party scripts.
*Clients who make all their monthly program deposits pay approximately 50% of their enrolled balance before fees, or 65% to 85% including fees, over 24 to 48 months (some programs lengths can go higher). Not all clients are able to complete our program for various reasons, including their ability to save sufficient funds. Our estimates are based on prior results, which will vary depending on your specific circumstances. We do not guarantee that your debts will be resolved for a specific amount or percentage or within a specific period of time. We do not assume your debts, make monthly payments to creditors or provide tax, bankruptcy, accounting or legal advice or credit repair services. We are not a credit repair firm nor do we offer credit repair services. Our service is not available in all states and our fees may vary from state to state. Please contact a tax professional to discuss potential tax consequences of less than full balance debt resolution. Read and understand all program materials prior to enrollment. We are licensed where we engage in business. NMLS # 1250953. The use of our services will likely adversely affect your creditworthiness, may result in you being subject to collections or being sued by creditors or collectors and may increase the outstanding balances of your enrolled accounts due to the accrual of fees and interest. However, negotiated settlements we obtain on your behalf resolve the entire account, including all accrued fees and interest. C.P.D. Reg. No. T.S. 12-03825. Pacific Debt, Inc. is registered with the California DFPI under the CCFPL registration number 01-CCFPL-1250953-3419036.